
Your library donations at work.

Every contribution is important, regardless of its size. Your gift will enable the Atlantic County Library Foundation (ACLF) to continue funding programs and projects benefiting the Atlantic County library community.

Contributions may be earmarked for the Atlantic County Library System branch of your choice, or in support of library programs system-wide.

The foundation is a recognized 501 (c) 3 nonprofit agency. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible.

There are many different ways to contribute.

  • HOLIDAY GIFT GIVING - A donation to the foundation is a gift for all ages. Remember that special someone with a donation in his or her honor.
  • MONETARY GIFT - make checks payable to Atlantic County Library Foundation
  • PLEDGE - a pledge of any amount and on any schedule may be made
  • BEQUEST - designate the foundation as a recipient of part or all of your estate
  • INSURANCE - designate the foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • SUPPORT OUR BOOKSALES - support the foundation-sponsored book sales at your branch
  • MEMORIAL - honor someone living or deceased, or celebrate a birth, graduation or other event
  • EMPLOYEE MATCHING PLAN - your employer may match your contribution
  • IN-KIND SERVICES - such as professional or printing services

Money donated to the ACLF is professionally managed and distributed in accordance with the intent of the donor and the charitable mission of the foundation. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Download a form to make a donation to the foundation or use the Donate Button to the left and donate securely online.